Building the brand with a message to the World, lets you open many doors!

Brand communication starts from networking
We help companies in getting critical contacts uplifting their brand. We connect brands with suppliers, and suppliers with certifying units, all for one target: to satisfy more consumers with more sustainable and ethical products or services.
Making a change Possible & Easy!
Brand consultation can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to
the most complex Communication Strategy and eCommerce project.
We undertake educational projects which secure food safety and self reliance of future generations.
We create communities which have power to undertake missions, which appear impossible, but are eventually achieved.
Acting pro bono through created alliances, we make noise around important issues without any „international budgets”. Thus we make an impact which is purely independent of any lobbying.
We constantly undertake new important projects which solve specific issues. We focus on human health, protection of natural environment, animals well-being, food safety, including breast-feeding promotion. Contact us, if you want to contribute.
Brand development can range from developing the simplest static page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet businesses, and eCommerce solutions. A more comprehensive list of tasks to which brand development commonly refers, may include web design, folder content development, client-side scripting, strategy consultancy, PR data base, photo sessions, etc. Just tell us what you need.

Żaneta Geltz
Marcin Geltz
Strategy Advisor
Joanna Wieruszewska
Copy Writer
Anna Zalewska
SEO Consultant

Glyphosate on your plate
Any pretext is good to mention what is GLYPHOSATE and why we all should know what it is. Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientist at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She has a bachelor’s degree in biology with a minor in food and nutrition, and a master’s degree, an engineer’s degree, and a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science, all from MIT. For most of her career at MIT she was involved in the development of technology to support natural human-computer communication through spoken language. Since 2010, Dr. Seneff has shifted her research focus toward the effects of drugs, toxic chemicals, and diet on human health […]